Monday, October 4, 2010

Commandeering St. Marys

Commandeering St. Marys

The Pirate theme really got a lot of attention from the kids of all ages. The games that the gym group had the students played were very good. They were simple games that got the students to improve in skill but also get out all of the built up energy that they have from being in class all day. When I was down with the older kids building a sweet house. I got to see the kids making patterns with the different Lego's but at the same time still making the house. They asked me what kind of games we were going to play in the gym and I said we have a few for them to play, but the one game that they wanted to play was dodge ball the one game that we have been talking about in class. As we got them into the gym a lot of them didn't want to play the game because they were "Baby games." They said this even before we told them what the games were I found this funny because professor Yeng told us to expect that but I didn't think it would happen the first week.

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